INTUINOTE: An Integrated Digital Solution To Encourage Active Learning

AMI “Digital demonstrators in higher education” / AIR project- Increasing Interaction in Rennes IntuiNOTE is an integrated digital solution for higher education that encourages active learning in synchronous mode using a variety of features: handwritten annotations, quizzes allowing rich questions/answers that can be handwritten (diagrams, equations, etc.) or shared whiteboards…


ANR(e-Fran) TRIANGLE : Working with Intelligent Feedback from a Digital Geometry Application for Student Engagement

Partners LP3C, Université de Rennes 2 IRISA, INSA Rennes, Université de Rennes, IntuiDoc Team Rennes and Poitiers academies Rennes and Niort INSPE Funding ANR (« Soutien au déploiement des projets e-FRAN » (ANR-22-FRAN-0009) : 2022-2024 Project Presentation The objective of the TRIANGLE project is to consolidate the IntuiGéo application (intelligent tutorial system…
