PhD of Omar Krichen

Design of an intelligent tutoring system for geometry learning based on on-the-fly interpretation of hand-drawn figures production.

Defended on december 4th 2020




This PhD is in the context of the « e-Fran » national project called ACTIF and deals with the design of pen-based intelligent tutoring system for geometry learning in middle school, called IntuiGeo. The contribution of this work are grouped into two axis.
The first axis focused on the design of a recognition engine capable of on the fly interpretation of Han-drawn geometrical figures. It is based on a generic grammatical formalism, CD-CMG (Context Driven Constraints Multiset Grammar). The challenge being to manage the complexity of the real-time analysis process, the first axis of this work consisted in extending the formalism, without losing its generic aspect.
The second axis of this work addresses the tutorial aspect of our system. We define au author mode where the tutor is able to generate construction exercises from a solution example drawn by the teacher. The problem specific knowledge is represented by a knowledge graph. This representation enables the tutor to consider all possible resolution strategies, and to evaluate the pupil’s production in real-time. Furthermore, we define an expert module, based on a dynamic planning environment, capable of synthesizing resolution strategies. The tutoring system is able to generate guidance and corrective feedbacks that are adapted to the pupil’s resolution state. The results of our experiment conducted in class demonstrate the positive pedagogical impact of the system on the pupils performance, especially in terms of learning transferability between the digital and traditional support.


  • Jean-Daubias Stéphanie, professeure, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, rapporteure
  • Ramel Jean-Yves, professeur, Université de Tours, rapporteur
  • Eglin Véronique, professeure, INSA Lyon, examinatrice
  • Mouchère Harold, professeur, Université de Nantes, examinateur
  • Py Dominique, professeure, Université du Mans, examinatrice
  • Anquetil Eric, professeur, INSA Rennes, directeur de thèse
  • Girard Nathalie, maître de conférences, Université Rennes 1, Co-encadrante de thèse (invitée)
  • Jamet Eric, professeur des universités, Université Rennes 2, invité

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