INTUINOTE: An Integrated Digital Solution To Encourage Active Learning

AMI “Digital demonstrators in higher education” / AIR project- Increasing Interaction in Rennes

IntuiNOTE is an integrated digital solution for higher education that encourages active learning in synchronous mode using a variety of features: handwritten annotations, quizzes allowing rich questions/answers that can be handwritten (diagrams, equations, etc.) or shared whiteboards for collaboration, etc.


e-education, active learning, handwritten annotation, quizzes, interaction, face-to-face, distance and hybrid mode.

Teams :

  • Eric Anquetil, Full Professor, Insa Rennes, IRISA Laboratory (ShaDoc team)
  • Bruno Hortollary, Research Engineer, Insa Rennes, IRISA Laboratory (ShaDoc team)
  • Nathalie Girard, Senior Lecturer, University of Rennes, IRISA Laboratory (ShaDoc team)
  • In collaboration with the LP3C laboratory: Eric Jamet, Full Professor, Univ. Rennes 2, LP3C Laboratory.

Summary :

IntuiNOTE is an integrated digital solution that encourages active learning in synchronous mode. It uses the same tool to (1) make a presentation based on slides, documents or images, (2) annotate these media by handwriting and (3) enrich the presentation on the fly with quiz-type interactions (traditional and graphical). It was initiated at INSA Rennes in 2016 and then supported by several research projects at the IRISA laboratory: the CominLabs e-Fil labex and the efran ACTIF project. These projects were carried out in collaboration with the LP3C laboratory, which supervised the experiments to measure their potential.

IntuiNote is modular so that it can be adapted to existing and future digital equipment and to face-to-face/remote hybridisation. The solution is based on client-server networking between the teacher and students, using either standard clients or multi-platform web clients (smartphones, etc.).

This environment constitutes a unified, integrated learning ecosystem.

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