INTUINOTE: An Integrated Digital Solution To Encourage Active Learning

AMI “Digital demonstrators in higher education” / AIR project- Increasing Interaction in Rennes IntuiNOTE is an integrated digital solution for higher education that encourages active learning in synchronous mode using a variety of features: handwritten annotations, quizzes allowing rich questions/answers that can be handwritten (diagrams, equations, etc.) or shared whiteboards…


ANR(e-Fran) TRIANGLE : Working with Intelligent Feedback from a Digital Geometry Application for Student Engagement

Partners LP3C, Université de Rennes 2 IRISA, INSA Rennes, Université de Rennes, IntuiDoc Team Rennes and Poitiers academies Rennes and Niort INSPE Funding ANR (« Soutien au déploiement des projets e-FRAN » (ANR-22-FRAN-0009) : 2022-2024 Project Presentation The objective of the TRIANGLE project is to consolidate the IntuiGéo application (intelligent tutorial system…


ANR Collabscore

The project is dedicated to the collaborative digitisation of scores present in image form in heritage collections. The process is based on the initial production of musical notation by optical recognition (OMR). The information produced, which is faulty and/or incomplete, is then submitted to a community of users (crowdsourcing), followed…


Thèse ANR Franco-Allemand (KIHT)

Doctorant : Florent Imbert  (Octobre 2021) Encadrants Anquetil (, Professeur à l’INSA de Rennes, responsable de l’équipe Intuidoc de l’IRISA. Soullard (, maître de conférences à l’université Rennes 2, collaborateur de l’équipe Intuidoc de l’IRISA. Tavenard (, maître de conférences à l’université Rennes 2, collaborateur de l’équipe Obelix de l’IRISA…


Deep Learning in the Wild

PhD student: Martin Dornier Supervisors: Philippe Henri Gosselin, Christian Raymond, Yann Ricquebourg et Bertrand Coüasnon CIFRE grant with Interdigital
