Ph-D of Manuel Bouillon

Apprentissage actif en-ligne d’un classifieur évolutif, application à la reconnaissance de commandes gestuelles Soutenue le 18 mars 2016 Résumé L’utilisation de commandes gestuelles est une nouvelle méthode d’interaction sur interface tactile.Une bonne méthode pour faciliter la mémorisation de ces commandes gestuelles est de laisser l’utilisateur les personnaliser.Ce contexte applicatif induit…


Online Multi-User Multi-Touch handwritten diagram DataBase (MUMTDB)

Presentation The MUMTDB DataBase can be used for evaluating recognition systems under the multi-user situation. The handwriting data is collected based on two predefined mind map scenarios which contains 9 different classes of graphical symbols. Each scenario is completed by involving two users at the same time. Since the users…


Partial block letters

Presentation The database of partial block letters is available on demand. This database is the one used in the article:  Damien Simonnet, Eric Anquetil, Manuel Bouillon. Multi-Criteria Handwriting Quality Analysis with Online Fuzzy Models. Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 2017, 69, pp.310-324. hal-01515397 Description Training and testing datasets are extracted from a dataset…


Evolve Showcase

We present our gesture-based interaction system for multitouch surfaces, called Evolve-Touch. The main feature of our system is its personalization capacity so that user can define his set of gesture and add new gestures at any moment. The system is based on our evolving recognition engine, Evolve++ that can be…


Varchitect : Windows Store application based on Evolve++/EvolveTouch

Varchitect is a Windows Store application that was developped as part of the effort to port the Evolve++/EvolveTouch system to current tablet operating systems.   With Varchitect, users can define their own set of gesture commands to insert furniture or architectural elements in a plan, and then design their interior…


Vscript : a Google Play application based on Evolve++/EvolveTouch

Vscript is an Android application that was developped as part of the effort to port the Evolve++/EvolveTouch system to current tablet operating systems. The application is available on Android’s Play Store. Vscript is a handwriting learning application/game for children. It is meant to be used on android tablets with a…


HBF49 Database

Presentation HBF49 is a unified feature representation for universal online symbol recognition (see [1]). It was constructed by aggregating 49 features covering all the aspects needed for recognition of symbols that may have different characteristics (single stroke or multi-strokes, in/sensitivity to orientation, stroke order…). The details of the approach and…


Ph-D of Joseph Chazalon

Interprétation contextuelle et assistée de fonds d’archives numérisés : application à des registres de vente du XVIIIe siècle Soutenue le mercredi 9 janvier 2013 Sujet Les fonds d’archives forment de grandes quantités de documents difficiles à interpréter automatiquement : les approches classiques imposent un lourd effort de conception, sans parvenir…


Accreditation to Supervise Research of Bertrand Coüasnon

Fusion of Knowledge in Document Analysis Soutenue le jeudi 6 décembre 2012   Summary The recognition of digitized collections of structured documents like archives documents is difficult not only by the complexity of the documents organization, but also by their degradations (stains, tears, ink bleeding through paper, curves due to…


Ph-D of Achraf Ghorbel

Interprétation interactive de documents structurés : application à la rétro-conversion de plans d’architecture manuscrits Soutenue le 11 décembre 2012 Résumé Cette thèse entre dans le cadre de projet ANR-Mobisketch. Ce projet vise à élaborer une solution logicielle générique orientée stylo pour la réalisation de documents techniques : schémas, plans… L’objectif…
