Modular Light Transformer

The Modular Light Transformer is a software dedicated to text recognition. It is based on a lightweight Transformer-based neural network dealing with text-line images and a system to generate synthetic text-line images, both for modern and historical documents. The proposed software is a Python code using in particular the PyTorch…


PhD offer (Sept. 2024): Semi-supervised learning of an intelligent tutorial system for e-education through the production of drawings/sketches

Supervisors: E. Anquetil ( ), Professor at INSA Rennes, Shadoc team. N. Girard (, Lecturer at the University of Rennes, Shadoc team. Location: IRISA laboratory, Shadoc, Rennes Keywords: Intelligent Tutorial Systems, Artificial Intelligence, interpretation of semi-structured handwritten documents, two-dimensional visual grammars, sketching, pedagogy, e-education, pen- based tablets The Shadoc (formerly…
