IMISketchSBD Database


Data collection sessions were performed by the Intuidoc team (Irisa laboratory, Rennes, France).


Examples of symbols




Data was collected from 50 architectural plans. The database is organized in 5 subsets, each subset containing symbols from 10 plans.
In total, 13 classes of symbols are included : 10 classes of “furniture”, 3 classes of “openings”.
Classes of furniture and openings are stored separately.

The 10 labels for classes of furniture are :
“Baignoire”, “Canape”, “Douche”, “Lavabo double”, “Lavabo simple”, Lit Double, Lit Simple, Table avec chaises, Table carre, Toilette

The 3 labels for classes of opening symbols are :
“Door”, “Sliding_Window”, “Window”


Download the zip file

The IMISketchSDB database extracted under the HBF49 feature representation is a part of the HBF49 database that can be downloaded here


For any question, please contact  Eric Anquetil.

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